Bonotto, historic and leader brand for creative textiles, collaborates with Miniwiz, world leader in circular technology realization, to present Gardening the Trash at Fuorisalone 2017, artistic direction by Cristiano Seganfreddo.
A century of the most sophisticated manufacturing ever seen in fashion meets re-engineered trash. Bonotto, knowing all there is to know about luxury fabric weaving, teamed up with Miniwiz, the global leader in upcycling technology. Together they created a first glimpse at what the future of fabrics in fashion will be.
“Gardening the Trash is an intense design dialogue between two large companies based in Europe and Asia which combine technology, innovation and tradition,” says the curator Cristiano Seganfreddo. “Their unique vision is to revolutionize the fashion industry, by creating products made from scrap materials of
a very high aesthetic and technical nature. Beautiful is also good. This must be the new standard for the marketplace.”
Gardening the Trash is about using human ingenuity to alter nature as has been done since the beginning of time. Now that human-created trash has become one with our waterways, our air, our soil, we aim to garden our trash or harvest what we gave back. With every breath of fresh air we inhale molecules that were once
in our bodies. Let's manufacture the same way, offering premium experiences made from what was already consumed.
As Miniwiz Founder and CEO Arthur Huang says: “Let's start by “gardening our own trash” with circular technology and pure human ingenuity.”
“The tapestries from Bonotto in Gardening the Trash represent a voyage through the history of the paintings of gardens,” declares Giovanni Bonotto, the creative director of the company.
From the fairy-tale Japanese garden at entrance of the Via Durini laid out as it is in a skillful play of lights, you can see the first tapestry that creates a horizontal mimetic pattern in which simple circles become true and proper inflorescenses.
The second tapestry within the space, a microscopic and panoramic vision of the jungle in which flowers become living and lively animals which lose their shapes and blend into the foreground, to produce a movement of the garden, from painting to the garden.
The two tapestries on the wall have flowery designs and creepers that can change according to the heat, to become lively and interactive details, with the intention of creating a new concept of tapestries, ones that are able to interact with the users of this place and that are changeable according to the climate of human mood within, by simple instruments.
The goal of Gardening the Trash is to lead the luxury fashion industry into the circular economy where nothing is wasted and everything is possible. Not just a boon for the environment but a journey into unprecedented material properties that offer MORE competitive advantage and a MORE luxurious experience for the customer. Using human intellect to learn from nature how to manage its materials in an endless flow of creation and recreation, old textiles become a new resource and old resources can be preserved, all to be enjoyed.